Why so few in STEM?
Hello worthy readers!
Before diving deep into the topic, let’s first understand what is STEM?
STEM is a popular buzzword when it comes to discussing schooling and occupations. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; fields that are important in our society today. Schools around the country are focusing on teaching young children about these fields, and giving them real-life skills that utilize these areas. STEM education includes traditional fields like physics and chemistry, as well as new fields like programming and cybersecurity.
Yes you got it right! Today I will be talking about the reasons and most significantly about my plans, about what each one of us can do to reduce the gender gap in STEM.
While STEM is a growing occupational option, the number of women in these careers is often lower than men, resulting in a large gender gap.
There are some possible causes for this large gap between the genders, and understanding what causes the gender gap is vital in helping close it.
Let’s have a quick look at the important causes of this gender gap
1. Lack Of Role Models
My father always say “We cannot become what we cannot see!”. I strongly believe in this.
Mentorship and role models are extremely important for anyone in pursuing a degree, looking to gain skills, and get a career.
Often, we gravitate toward role models that seem to be like us; it seems that if someone like us can achieve their dreams, we can too.
2. Lack of awareness about opportunities, fellowship and scholarship
I have seen many girls and women who do not know about plenty of opportunities available for them. For encouraging more women in STEM many communities, organisations are doing great, one of them being AnitaB.org.
Various After School Programs, Mentorship , Summer Camps, STEM Clubs, fellowships etc are available but those group of society for whom this opportunity is are unaware of it!
3. There is nothing to get them excited about STEM
Women are not provided with technical tasks, games and fun quizzes that may excite them about STEM. They are unaware about this fact that “anyone can excel in STEM”!
For an example, I being an Android Developer do not know that much about Java Script! But I was amazed to find an app by Google Developers that teaches JavaScript like a game. Truly like a game!
According to the recent UCAS data provided by HESA, 35% of STEM students in higher education in the UK are women.
Condition is worse if we talk about programming and computer science, have a look at this graph.
After looking at the causes of Gender Gap in STEM, I want to share a little about my project wooSTEM that aims at involving more women into STEM.
My project idea wooSTEM is about developing an android application that closes all the problems we discussed above!
This application will have three important features :
- Latest Scholarships For Women
- wooSTEM Quiz
- wooSTEM Motivation Hub
I believe this idea is a small but impactful step that will help in accomplishing AnitaBorg’s goal of 50:50 by 2025.
The mission of this idea matches the goal of AnitaBorg Open Source Society and so I am proposing this project to them to make it a big success.
With this sample screenshot folder, you will get a better idea of the project.
What else am I doing to uplift women in technology?
In 11th grade, there were only 5 girls taking up career in Computer Science, and now in Bachelors of Technology there are only 4 girls in my class. Having seen minority of women in STEM, I am trying my best do everything possible to address the diversity gap. Being the lead of project “Skill Development In Slums” I am involved in shaping career of a group of unprivileged children in Slums.
Apart from this being the volunteer at Women Who Code Delhi I am continuously involved in organising programs for uplifting women in STEM.
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